README ====== To build this documentation with Sphinx you have to follow a few simple steps. Setup the Environment --------------------- If you only want to build the docs and you do not want to run the code or you want to keep these tasks in separate environments, continue with the following. First, install the necessary requirements: .. code-block:: console python python-virtualenvwrapper Second, clone the repository (or your own fork) if you have not done so already: .. code-block:: console git clone cap Third, create the virtual environment: .. code-block:: console mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 capdocs and install Sphinx: .. code-block:: console pip install Sphinx Now you are all set. Whenever you want to build your docs in the future, just follow the below instructions. Build the Docs -------------- To build the docs, switch into the docs folder inside your repository folder .. code-block:: console cd ~/PATH_TO_YOUR_CLONED_FOLDER/cap/docs and run .. code-block:: console make html If that does not work and you do not see the ``(capdocs)`` in your terminal as such: .. code-block:: console (capdocs) [USER@COMPUTER cap]$ then do the following: .. code-block:: console workon capdocs make html Spell-Check the Docs -------------------- One possibility to spell-check the docs directly from your command line is to install: .. code-block:: console hunspell hunspell-en and run: .. code-block:: console find . -type f -name '*.rst' -exec hunspell -d en_GB -l {} \; from within the docs folder on your command line. This will give you a list of words possibly spelled incorrectly.